Dubai Post 81: What I am Looking Forward to

So my last full weekend in Dubai has come to an end and it was a great one.  Sam, Steve (my two friends from home visiting) and I had one of the best weekends of my entire three months.  The posts will come later.   However, it is dawning on me that I am coming home at the end of this week.  It is going to be very bittersweet as I am going to miss a lot about my experience in Dubai. 

Yet, I am looking forward to a number of things about returning home.  Other than seeing my family and friends, here are some of the top things I am excited for:

-Smell of freshly cut grass. I have been around too much sand in the last three months. 

-A slice of pizza.  Getting a good slice of east coast pizza is hard enough to find outside the tri-state area, so forget about the Middle East.  I am craving some Colony, Gioves and Pepe's.

-Weather.  I think this is an obvious one.

-Buying a six pack of beer.  After, a long week of work there is nothing better than buying a six pack of GOOD beer.  I have not had that luxury as I cannot purchase alcohol in Dubai.

-Kohlhoff Meat.  I have been salivating at the thought of a eating a brat.  My roommate’s family (Kohlhoff’s) has a general store that makes the best brats on the planet.

-American Sports.  I have not watched ESPN in 3 months…hardest breakup ever.  Luckily, I did not have to miss football season and can smell a Badger championship run for this fall. 

-Cheap Nights Out.  I have gotten accustom to $10 beers on average and $7 beers at happy hour.  It is time to give my wallet a break. 

-The City of Chicago.  Dubai is a ton of fun but I am coming home to one of the best cities in the world, Chicago.

-Sunday Nights.  After a long aggressive weekend, there is nothing like a relaxed Sunday night with Samantha, Sushi and Sunday night HBO/Showtime T.V.  However, here I am forced to eat my own cooking and download lagged versions of True Blood and Game of Thrones.

-A Good Spot.  A good spotter is a priceless commodity in the weight room.  It has been three months since I have had one and cannot wait to head back to the "club" next week. 


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